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tv   The Cycle  MSNBC  January 28, 2013 12:00pm-1:00pm PST

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upside down as a result of the election that we all witnessed. and all of the senators discussing key components of the immigration reform plan they would like to see. we'll discuss thoesz thingse things as we move forward but the politics of this turned upside down according to chuck schumer and i think many people agree to this this bipartisan group of lawmakers together and this is certainly on the fast track if they go as planned. we could see legislation on the table by the spring or summer. incredible events we are witnessing regarding immigration reform. "the cycle" picks up things next. just now, a bipartisan group of republicans unveiled their proposal to revamp our nation's immigration system. the deal includes a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the u.s. it prioritizes agricultural workers and immigrant coming here as children but before we start to
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creating permanent residents, the senators say washington must work on securing the borders and employment verification system that actually works and the undocumented immigrant haves to pass a background check, learn english english, pay back taxes and fines and then go to the back of the line of immigrants to become americans. this is very similar to what the white house has been pushing but will conservative republicans and voters think this program is amnesty and refuse to support it? it was a contentious of the presidential campaign and the die outchotomy defined not just the parties but the candidates. tomorrow the president heads to las vegas. here's a preview from his inaugural address. >> our journey is not complete until we find a better way to welcome the hopeful, striving immigrants who still see america as a land of opportunity. until bright young students and eng neerls are enlisted in the
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workforce rather than expelled from the country. >> let's start with luke rus effort on the hill. what are you hearing this time about what people on the hill are saying about this bill? kit get through? >> reporter: well, there's sort of two cliche things from capitol hill today, toure. number one, renewed optimism around the legislation. you heard senator menendez say it right before the program he's never been this confident before because there seems to be a bipartisan consensus moving forward. they view it as the right thing to do and republicans realizing that in order to survive as a party they have to do it because latinos are the fastest growing voter bloc but the devil is in the details and usually the detail that is derail these types of large-scale bills. in 2007 president bush wanted to try to make this a reality. it could not get through republicans in the senate and the dream act in 2010. harry reid not able to hold the democratic caucus in that lame
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duck session because some folks on the moderate part of the democratic caucus were worried about how that vote would look. this time around the ideas of someone as conservative as marco rubio on board and man as liberal dick durbin on board, this has to be the time this type of legislation gets through. i think there's one area to pay attention to moving forward, toure. and that is this issue of border security. to approve this they want to guarantee that the border is completely secure. how do you gauge that? how does the government gauge that? what can be said in order to make that a reality? guaranteeing drones a fence? something of that issue i think will really be something to focus on moving forward. >> all right. luke always a pleasure. serious luke today, huh? joining us now is republican marsha blackburn who prefers to be called congressman. how are you today, congressman? >> i'm well. i'm well. >> so we have a four-page proposal that republicans are
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behind or some republicans on the hill are behind. are you on board with the proposal? >> i'm one of those republicans that is -- i'm going to be waiting to see what the details are and bear in mind also we have had a working group in the house and they will probably bring their proposals out next week or so and i'm looking forward to hearing what they have to say. there are many of us that have said for years this needs to be fixed. we want to make certain there's no preferential treatment. want to make certain that people are in the queue, have the opportunity to complete their process so let's see what continues to come out from these groups. good things is people are saying, let's get this proposal solved and i like the fact that it's gone from being a back burner issue to a front burner issue. >> well, congressman, some details are leaking out of that house working group and that bipartisan group of senators we just heard from as they pertain to red lines and sort of must
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haves. democrats have said their must have is a legal pathway to legal citizenship. what are your personal must haves or red lines on an immigration bill to consider? what do you need to see in there for a yes vote? >> yes. you know back in '03, similar sensenbrenner came out with some great guidelines and many of us supported those. first of all, making certain you do secure that border and whether it's for drug trafficking, illegal entry, sex trafficking, weapons. you want to make certain that that border is secured. that is an issue that has to be solved. number two, you don't want amnesty. you can go back and look over the past several decades. the different amnesty proposals that are there have not worked. it doesn't matter who was in the white house. and so we don't want to get back on that path because that would be repeating a mistake
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that has been made. so let's make certain that there is not an amnesty. third, you want to make certain that those who are in the country, there's a way that they are paying and righting those wrongs. i don't know exactly what the proposals will be for bringing that forward but i know that's important. next thing, make certain that you address your quotas and finally you have to make certain that i.c.e. is going to clean up their act and the immigration service is going to finally be a service that works. we all appreciate legal immigration. we want to encourage legal immigration and bring those individuals that want to come to america to seek a better life we want to make certain that they have the ability to be here legally. that it is an expeditious manner. also, a piece of legislation i've had for several years, the clear act would give our local law enforcement the tools that they need to address the
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criminal alien population that is in our country and i hope we will make certain that they have the tools they need. >> congressman, you just mentioned that one of your principles is no amnesty. now exactly do you define amnesty? >> amnesty is allowing people who came in the country to stay in the country, not asking them to make that situation right, not asking them to pay those back taxes. i think that what we need to do is very carefully look at what this pathway is going to be. we have to make certain that there is not going to be an amnesty that encourages more amnesty and whether it was reagan or others. what we have seen is amnesty proposals that did not accomplish what they were supposed to accomplish. so let's learn from all of those lessons and let's do it right this time. >> so congressman, you were on
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"face the nation" over the weekend and asked to comment on what the republican party did wrong in 2012. let's take a listen. >> i think that the thing that we did not well was to penetrate the marketplace with our message. we didn't have a broad enough basis using social media, using an all the different media format that is are there. >> so looking for the support of the republicans in the past three presidential elections you can see the support among latino voters declining down to 27% in 2012. is it really just a pr problem, more than social networking, more tweets or a fundamental policy problem here? >> it's interesting to me in a small group talking about the message, focused on opportunity and growth and equality of that opportunity for everybody. individuals just gravitate to
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that message because that's what they want. they want the ability to make the american dreams come true. sometimes our message is if we could get it through is the right message. maybe it's sometimes the messengers aren't as good. sometimes i think that we're not as persistent as we need to be in repeetding that message. i hope that what we're going to do is to pay more attention to our tone to how we say, how we talk and we change grand old party to the great opportunity party, the government of the people party. the growth and opportunity party and put the emphasis on the positive thing that is we as a party have always believed and stood for. >> you know, congressman, i guess the expectation and we'll see if there's a repeat of 2007 and conservative resolt that up ends everything but i think the general expectation of washington is something is going to get done this year on immigration reform. i guess my question is looking ahead for your party, do you
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think you need to do more to avoid -- i guess what i'm thinking of here is historical parallel of the republican party and the black vote after the party nominated an anti-civil rights candidate in 1964 barry goldwater, and since then has not cracked 20% with the black vote. i'm wondering if just now finally after all these years maybe getting on board with an immigration reform policy do you think that gets you anywhere where you are right now with the latino vote or did that ship sail? >> you know i hope that it does. i'd have to tell you, actions -- i think people are waiting to see what we do. and my hope is that we are going to meet the expectations that people have of us. that this is a problem that we will solve. the american people are interested in solutions. they are just -- they're so tired and as am i of this kicking the can down the road
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and not having adult conversations if you will about some of these issues whether it's immigration, whether it is the out of control federal spending, whether it is the escalating rate of debt in this country. whether it is the fact that we have a health care system that is going to have to have some attention. and the immigration issue will become linked to the health care system via the -- some of the parameters there with obama care. this is a time to be very honest with the american people just to say this is where we are. these are the facts. and help us work this thing to a solution and i have to tell you, i certainly hope that we do. >> congressman blackburn, thank you for being here. >> thank you. the interview that's all the talk of the political world. not the one we had but the one of last night and what did the odd man out think about it? it's monday, january 28th.
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i consider hillary a strong friend. >> i mean, very warm close. i think there's a sense of understanding that you know sometimes doesn't even take words because we have similar views. >> wow. the bitter rivals are not so bitter anymore. president obama and hillary clinton sat down with "60 minutes" last night in their first-ever joint interview. secretary hillary's last day on the job is friday. >> going away party? >> something like that.
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but for how long? >> you guys in the press are incorrigible and i was literally inaugurated four days and talking about elections four years from now. >> i don't think either he or i can make predictions of tomorrow or the next year. >> since the president has called us incorrigible we might as well live up to the title. >> literally. literally. >> literally spin on it. you know i don't think there was any big news broke anna nicole this interview at all except her answer on 2016 was kind of interesting. very vague, very leaving the door open. we'll see what the future holds kind of a deal but to me it was remarkable. they looked like besties. it seems like a genuine warmth and friendship. leaning in. smiling. >> you're hilarious. no you're hilarious. >> tell me more about how great
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you are. to think back to 2008, seriously, though and the rivalry there and how ugly it was at time ss -- >> you're likable enough hillary, to this moment is pretty remarkable. >> that clip we just put out. you could see the violence there. shaking his head at her. ooh! >> icy. >> i maintain 2008 race was extra long and extra drawn out and suspenseful although it wasn't the ugliest. there have been far more uglier than that and wasn't a great philosophical divide and talking about 2016 that's somewhat of the context of this interview, at least people like to talk about it that way. i was trying to imagine another player. >> great artist. >> vice president. wait. this is my -- i looked in through the naval observatory. this is casa biden last night. got the campaign sign on the wall. obama '16 because why not? watching them on tv.
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>> is he slouching the way this steve slouches? >> that's good vice presidential posture there and saying jill how do i change it to fox? >> mibl a serial killer. >> i'm glad you got the right message of the drawing. that's so interesting to me about all this is that obama -- >> drawing skills? >> yes. >> that's what it is. >> you're incorrigible. >> the popular second term president and we'll see where obama's popularity is a couple of years from now but the popularity in the party never dropped below 80% and the popular second term president anoints the successor and a role of the vice presidential pick. your vice president is the successor. we are in a weird situation where the natural heir is hillary clinton. we saw last night, i don't think it's dramatic or a great statement on clinton's part this is it i'm passing the torch but a validation of what we know is the basic dynamic of
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two years. she is the natural heir to most people in this party. if she decides she wants to run in this case rock joe biden will run and other people will run. i think of al gore in 2000. the clinton white house basically cleared out the democratic party. al gore won 33 of 33 contested events that year. if hillary wants to run in 2016 i think that is it. if she doesn't, biden is the heir apparent and i think a front-runner but a more crowded field. >> i think all that math is correct, obviously. i don't think joe biden watched that show last night and worried. he's got three, four more years. two more runs before they start to run and he has to start -- gets to stand next to the president and be -- look sort of look presidential. i don't think he's worried. i don't think as it as an endorsement last night. the chatting class, oh endorsement. passing the scepter to her.
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why would the president do that three days after he's inaugurated an ennow a lame duck. talk object who's next. this is about gratitude and sending her out on a big note. love your enemy. after they fought so hard not the hardest ever hillary sort of standing there at the end. what was she saying yelling at him, you are wrong brahmarack obama. >> please vote for me. >> unquote. >> after that and to come to this place of reconciliation we're together and friends. i know i thought it was a great moment for the democratic party in that we don't hold the fights, the grudges. we move on. >> yeah. i agree. i don't think it's an endorsement moment either for hillary but i did read a little in it the other way. barack obama is a very very smart politician and i think also very interested in his long-term legacy.
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and i think he's thinking ahead to hillary clinton running in 2016 knows she might have to pitch to the center a little bit. and doesn't want her to sort of expose maybe some of the secrets over the past four years and i want -- i think he wants to sort of keep her close and going to be complimentary. give her the going away party. he's going to make sure that when she leaves it's as a friend and not as someone who's going to feel comfortable telling tales out of school. now, no one expects in 2016 for her to throw obama under the bus. it wouldn't be smart. she's also a very crafty clever politician. and people have called her ruthless in the past and i'm sure he's thinking, calculation you know, call lating ahead. i just want to make sure i do the right thing by hillary and make sure i'm sending her on her way happy. >> she's extremely popular right
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now so him to be her and associated with her. it is a no-lose for him. we're not the only ones talking about hillary clinton's next move. facebook fans have been weighing in all day. heaven hart says seemed in 2008 people weren't as ready for a female president but the times are changing rapidly. i would be proud to see her be the first hillary 2016. heaven hart. >> great name. >> america would be a better place for elected hrc in 2016. we are always campaigning for your facebook likes and comments. >> oh! >> join the conversation. straight ahead, the looming fight of social security and medicare benefits. why it may not be the dems versus the republicans but obama taking on his own party. that is next.
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the commitments we make to each other through medicare and medicaid and social security do not sap our nation. they strengthen us. they do not make us a nation of takers. they free us to take the risks that make this country great. >> it's hard to believe but the inauguration was just a week ago. in that speech, the president staunchly defended medicaid medicare and social security and at least made it seem like they would be safe in the next round of debt talks but a month ago he was singing a different tune and hinted at makes cuts to medicare. that move could lead to some democratic intraparty fighting like we have seen within the gop recently. which obama will show up for the state of the union and more importantly the spending battle ahead? here to help us make sense of it buzz feed contributor, blake zeff. you have been writing a lot about this. i guess what i'm trying to make
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sense of right now is where obama is sort of strategically on this. two summers ago during the debt ceiling talks, there was signals of the white house to raise the eligible age of medicare like two months ago signals ago cpi change is good and then paul ryan saying i don't think there's anything and going to accept the sequester, you know which touches defense and not the social safety net at all and that's it. have we entered a new face and medicare and medicaid off the table? what do you think? >> i wouldn't be so sure. you're right the president is all over the map on this and yesterday there's an interview with him in "the new republic" and might have been code words and wanted the talk about judicious reforms to medicare and mart changes to social security and how he's willing to buck what he called i think the ideological wing of the party. this kind of a thing and so as you mentioned he's many times before have been willing to even
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interested in floating changes to medicare and medicaid and now to think he's not going to is a stretch at this point. >> have republicans kind of missed they should moment though? because as steve is saying the president seemed to be willing to offer up entitlement reforms and during the fiscal cliff negotiations, there was an offer of reduced social security benefits. have republicans kind of missed their chance to really force reforms on the democratic party? have they saved news a sense? >> it's a good way of putting it. if that's what happens, that would be the cause. republicans had overreached or overplayed their hand and certainly possible but i do think that you know i just want to be clear. obama is on the record many times over in the past saying he supports changes to the programs including change cpi as steve mentioned and raising the age for medicare and so it would not surprise me at all to see these things come back in talks over the next month or two. >> blakes democrats arguing
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about entitlements i get confused. being a democrat is about helping the weakest grow stronger. that's what a democrat is all about. not just socially but economically, as well. these sort of arguments make we say what does it mean to be a democrat then? >> it's a great question. i have talked about how there are kind of two categories of democrats. one are what you might call liberals. right? strong economically and strong on the cult call issues and then something i call social progressive economic conservatives and hope that "cycle" viewers help this term catch on but what i mean by that is people sort of with the liberals on marriage equality choice, things like that but with economic issues they're not really and a strand of democrats, toure, you are familiar with and call themselves pro business democrats, enjoy taking on public workers and those kinds of things. >> i'm not hanging out with them. >> right. i would not call them liberals but specs and so i think that
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there are two different strands in the party now. >> wow. >> what would you call them again? >> specs. >> that's really pejorative pounding. >> can we throw a "k" on the end of it or something? >> there you go. >> as we talk more about this internal war we'll hear more stuch like this but there's a "the washington post" editorial last month to nudge this in the right direction. it wrote that democrats like to say they're for balance in the fiscal debate and republicans favor spending cuts that argument is increasingly difficult to credit. because of the aging population that's not politics. that's reality. democrats need to sort of appreciate that. you know bill clinton used to be the guy that would nudge liberals to the center on these tax and spend kind of issues. is he still the guy or is there
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another voice in the democratic party that you think is going to strike that tone? >> with respect to moderation? >> yeah. >> well the first thing i would say is in terms of spending cuts if you go back a year or so ago, maybe two, there's over a trillion dollars in spending cuts right there in the control act and not totally fair to say there haven't been spending cuts under this president but in terms of the voice of moderation the point we're trying to make is we don't know where president obama will be and the rhetoric sort of changed depending on the political circumstances. i suspect if he once again floats the change cpi solution or i should say proposal to social security that there will be people such as yourself on the right who probably think that's something of a mod ratding influence. >> let me ask you about that blake. then if the next few months bring -- we come back to the grand bargain idea and yet to somewhere like summer of 2011 and talking about a deal and republicans say they're willing to give something up on the tax
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expenditure side the tax deductions, okay 600 billion there in exchange for let's say obama put raising medicare eligibility age back on the table. change cpi. what do you think would happen within the democratic party if publicly that became the white house position? >> that is the huge question and what happened actually interestingly didn't get a lot of attention and i'm sure s.e. will agree on this. there was a potential and is the potential to bubble up on the democratic side because what happened last time when she floated changed cpi as a proposal and democrats spoke out about it a hit of house members, i believe the majority of house democrats spoke out against it and liberal senators circulating a petition opposing the changes and there is the potential for there to be a split within the party on this. >> all right. blake zeff thank you so much. >> my pleasure. the obama administration defends them but now a major international investigation is
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targeting america's use of drones. we have got the details. that is next. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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plus that annoying cough. [ breathes deeply ] ♪ oh, what a relief it is! ♪ [ angry gibberish ] in the back spin this monday years of secrecy about the cia's controversial drone program could soon come to an end if the united states launched an investigation in to specifically more than two dozen incidents throughout the middle east. the goal is to clarify how the attacks were carried out. the criteria for striking and perhaps most importantly whether they were legal. and remember this comes at a time when drone use is growing with china and iran getting in on the game. according to one estimate, cia drone attacks killed more than 3,400 people in pakistan alone over the past decade many of them innocent civilians. the white house vigorously stood by the program but will this new international inquiry put pressure on the administration to scale back its shadow war? let's take it to the table.
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so, it's complicated issue, guys and one that i thought might come up after president obama was safely re-elected and it is. it's coming up. i think it's worth getting some of the issues out on the table. one, there are the humanitarian concerns, of course. hundreds if not thousands dead. many children, many innocent civilians. two, the legal issues. what's happening with due process here? how are we now killing sometimes american citizens without due process, without bringing them back charging them trying them that sort of thing? there's also the issue of hypocrisy. and now invisible anti-war movement that begged for george w. bush's impeachment in some cases has been silent on this issue but i think the one that's most important is the issue of policy implication because as hawkish as you might be right, or i might be you can sort of say, well forget the human taryn issues, war is war.
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you could say forget the legal issues. i can justify a lot of things in the time of war and willing to overlook the highway pk sy. the one to care about is plitd call implementation of this. if you have a program that's completely unaccountable, a program whose motto is what drone program, then it makes it really hard when bad actors like iran, like china, perhaps, get their hands on this technology and start to use it irresponsibly and hard for we the united states to go to nato or the u.n. or an international court or allies and say, hell us sanction this group for their illegal drone strikes when our program is completely unaccountable so getting the rules of engagement down codified on paper out in the open is really helpful for us to continue using drones. and i think whatever side of the issue you're on that should be an important part of this discussion. >> well, you know, and you mentioned there, s.e. anti-war
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left quiet on this and a phenomenon in politics republican in the white house and suddenly top to bottom party discipline on the right and democrat, on the left. there's been as you said consistent descent on the left. i write for a progressive publication publication, salon, a mark of distinction is we have been aggressively questioning this program. >> you're absolutely right. get some credit. >> and there are other publications, too. this is not -- >> you're right. where's code pink and >> the left did not roll over for obama on this. you raise lots of two valid questions there. number one, when the administration is forced to make the case for this and they make an opaque case and boils down to some really bad guys going after and there's no other -- this is the most feasible way to get them. there's no conventional way to get them. thz the most feasible way to do it and i think i understand the
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basic concept there. the question is where is the oversight? where is body? whether it's congress or something that can decide whether this really was the only recourse, whether it was carried out the administration says it was. there's a huge oversight issue there and we can point to the bad guys we have taken out and got the number three today, number seven last week and then another new number three and seven. and the list seems to keep growing. and it raises a question of how much for all of the kills that we have regarded in the drone program, how much anti-american sentiment have we formented in the country and a much bigger country than solved with the kills. not the cure but the best thing for this is sunlight discussion, talk about it. >> we're radicalizeing populations with the drone activity. this is the area of obama policy i take the issue with. the lack of transparency.
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the civilians we kill human soldiers also. sometimes accidentally or not. kill civilians, as well. humans can do what robots are doing. it gets american soldiers out of the way but having robots kill civilians and sometimes then reclassifying them as enemy combatants that makes me very uncomfortable. i mean, the drones are ultimately imprecise and not necessarily because the technology but the intelligence. right? a drone could say, kill this table and just blow up the table and not blow up that camera. but how do we know exactly who's going to be sitting at the table and steve didn't call out sick today and capehart is there and we didn't get steve. >> thank god for that. >> you know? but i mean what ultimately makes me uncomfortable is robotic warfare really easy decision to make. there should be a challenge for human beings to say let's go to war because there's blood going to be on people's hands.
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werner vous about it. i think the legal case and international issue is really sort of easy to sort of break down. you know? we're in an armed conflict with al qaeda because of what they did to us in 9/11. we have the right legally in terms of international to go to countries one willing or unable to help us in that war. now, the domestic situation where we're killing americans, that's much more difficult. >> well and going back to some of what you were saying steve, and s.e. really about the lack of transparency people opponents of the program will use that lack of transparency to assume the worst. people proponents will assume the best and because we don't have the numbers we have no way of knowing what are the civilian casualty numbers and no way of really judging what the backlash on the ground is if this is even a practical, good policy for us regardless of what you think of the humanitarian implications but part of the reason we've been -- really the whole reason to have that lack of
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transparency is because this program is housed within the cia. >> right. >> rather within the military and an interesting aspect of this is the president just nominated john brener top counterterrorism adviser to be head of the cia and brennan in a lot of ways has been the guy on drones. he is at the center of the drone policy so on the one hand you are getting a lot of pushback from the left from people opposed to drone use about his nomination. on the other hand, the reporting is from "the washington post" and other places that he actually has been a huge voice of restraint and a voice advocating for moving that program from the cia to the military according to a recent post article. they said that brennan is leading efforts to curtail the cia's primary responsibility for targeting killings over opposition of the agency arguing to focus on intelligence agencies and leave lethal action to the more traditional home in the military where the law
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requires greater transparency. so, if john brennan is confirmed, it is interesting to see if there's a move to greater transparency and to moving the program from the cia to the military. >> absolutely, yeah. all right. shifting gears a bit here up next the secrets of super achievers. the traits funny man alec baldwin, baseball great yogi berra and ken jennings share and apparently you can, too.
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♪ ivan morrison. makes perfect sense i chose to lead the next segment. why? because it's all about how super achievers do what they do and do it so well. get it? our next guest wrote a great book "the art of doing." didn't interview me. probably an oversight. they spoke to lots of awesome people for insight and we get to aing loo at how to be funny with alec baldwin. i could have helped with that. writing a best-seller. i could have helped with that. how to act. open a restaurant. lots of great stuff. joining us now, camille sweenny and josh godfeld. i'll let you put me in the next book. congratulations on this one, "the art of doing." how are you? >> great. thanks for having us on toure.
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>> what are some of the commonalities, josh of super achievers? what are some things they tend to do or we tend to do and not to do? >> we would say the most critical trait is self awareness. [ laughter ] >> toure? >> everybody, whether you're a super achiever will be confronted with challenge and obstacles and we found with those people in those moments they had the ability to examine themselves to question themselves. their assumptions, their biases. rather than blaming the guy next door the economy. they were able to rethink themselves reinvent themselves and create entirely new ways of doing what they had been doing. >> really over and over again, that's part of their talent. >> yeah. so you guys single out some
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specific super achievers here and you go to the realm of sports and baseball for one. i mean you know if you just said to me kind of super achiever baseball history, i would have thought joe deimagine owe. you won't with yogi berra. was an mvp. great player and everything. but is there a -- i don't know that people would automalt cli elevate him to that strats fear of a jodye dimaggio or ted williams. is there a lesson in the story of berra about how to maybe overcome obstacles to become a super achiever less natural talln't maybe, something like that? >> well everyone that we chose we -- they not only excelled in their field but they actually elevated it to an artform. and yogi definitely elevated
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being catcher for the yankee to an art form. >> yogi was originally an outfielder and told by the yankees that if he did become a catcher he wasn't going to make it on the team and he was not a great catcher. and he took it upon himself and found a mentor and became one of the greatest catchers if not the greatest catcher, of all times. >> by the way, guys, to clarify ted williams is still alive at a cryogenics -- >> stop it. >> one of the common traits among super achievers is happiness and you have an interesting quote from george clinton who says if you get to the top and catch up with happy you have a real problem. you will get real bored. is one of the traits that these people are never truly happy, never really satisfied? >> it's interesting. we talked to different people who had different takes on this. george clinton in particular
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when he put together the function dell funkadelic band he was making album after album to try to hit it big and hit the gold with it. so in that sense the happiness for him actually exists in the pursuit. >> and i think that's true with everybody in that none of these people are resting on their laurels. they're always finding ways to improve what they do. >> well i couldn't help but think of some other overachievers as i was going through this -- >> toure. >> not including toure. >> are you think being me? >> lance armstrong came up and the idea that there are some people out there who want to win at all costs, and i'm wondering if you identified any bad traits in overachievers that lead them to maybe have some kind of well sociopathy that allows hem to get ahead but at a cost?
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>> go ahead. >> i don't really think in our case -- we researched everybody very carefully and we were really -- we chose people that we felt were -- did so well and also were not -- did not get there through backbiting walking over people to succeed. >> we didn't interview any jerks. >> that's good to hear. >> so that could be for the next book maybe. the way the jerks achieve. >> there's a lot of interesting stories in the book. i love that david chang story. it's about self-awareness. your restaurant is not succeeding because you're not cooking the right stuff. i'm going to cook from my heart like it's my last meal. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> maybe we will get you next time toure. >> oh, you will get me next time. >> we'll see what your
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colleagues have to say. >> excellent. >> all right. speaking of self-awareness next segment i'm going to admit that i was wrong. on what? you're going to have to wait and see. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy,
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and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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it's not hard to predict who will win the oscars this year daniel day-lewis, who is one of the greatest actors of our time and who became liberating lincoln, and i don't see any way class president steven spielberg can be stopped. it seems like a landslide kind of year. what an idiot.
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that guy does not know what he's talking about. it is not the year of "lincoln" people. i have to amend my office pool advice here and now. my fellow cyclists love teasing me about my changed electoral map. this triple map is all over our offices but i did pick a perfect map and more importantly as nate silver wrote if you have reason to think that yesterday's forecast was wrong, there's no glory in sticking to it. as the economist john maynard keynes says as the facts change, i change my mind. lincoln is a film a lot of people didn't like, me included. it will go down as one of the early oscar front-runners that ran out of gas because hollywood has developed a gigantic crush on ben affleck. a friend of mine in hollywood called him the new varsity quarterback of the high school that is hollywood and that's propelled "argo" to dominate
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awards seasons so far. winning at the broadcast film critics association, the golden globes, and more importantly at the producer guild award and last night at the screen actors guild awards. >> that's what actors do all over the world every day, god bless you, thank you so much for making the movies you make and the television you make and the theater you make. we are in your debt. >> what a nice guy. the producer guild has picked the oscar winner five years in a row. people, it's the year of "argo." a great film about america and hollywood doing important and valuable things in the world. lincoln and chang go and "zero dark thirty" are also about america doing historic things but they reopened painful scars and implicate us while "argo" is about an unambiguous
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